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Simple tools to help you refocus, reset, reframe and feel better.


With the world in its current state, is your heart aching? If so, you are not alone.

Our collective heartache may be over different subjects, but the heartache is very real. The thing is - sometimes we focus so deeply on the heartache we are feeling in response to what is happening in the world around us, that we neglect to nurture the world inside of us.

Nurturing our inner world doesn't mean we need to ignore reality and try to live in a happy dreamland of sunshine, butterflies and rainbows. But it is impossible to sustain ourselves in times of adversity unless we regularly replenish our internal reserves.

This is especially critical when our hearts are breaking in times of pain or loss, when we are filled with anxiety or anger, or when we simply fear the worst.

Here are some simple things you can try to help yourself feel better in such times.


Try taking 5 minutes to ask yourself the following three questions:

QUESTION 1: What is one tangible thing I can do today, that will give me greater peace of mind tomorrow?

QUESTION 2: What is one good-feeling thought I can focus on in this moment, that gives me a feeling of hope for the future?

QUESTION 3: What is one action I can take this week, to help me get clear on what is most important in my life right now?

Then follow through and implement these simple actions to fill your emotional and mental cup. This will also bolster your resilience to continue to bear the load you currently have on your shoulders. If you can't think of answers to these questions alone, by all means reach out and brainstorm with a family member, friend or professional.

Either way, why not simply give it a go and see how you feel?


Similarly, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a quiet moment in a beautiful place can do wonders for your soul - and if you don't have time to get out into nature this week, then take a couple of minutes to watch the clip below and bring a slice of nature to you.

Add a bit of nature to your day

(NB. Open clip in full screen mode for best viewing)

If watching this video brought a sense of peace and calm to your heart, then maybe nature therapy or ecotherapy could be something that works for you. Click the button below to find out more about what it entails and other activities you can try. Furthermore, another great way to bring nature to you can be through listening to the sounds of nature with apps such as CALM which feature soundscapes of the ocean, rainforest and much more.


Apps such as "I AM" are a powerful way to incorporate gentle messages of healing, grace and self-acceptance into your daily routine. You can also customise the nature and theme of the affirmations, plus how may reminders you receive each day. This allows for the app to easily work with you to create healthy habits.

If you're looking for something a little more colourful, check out the inspiring work of artist and writer Morgan Harper Nichols. Morgan offers a diverse range of books, artwork and stationary designed to uplift hearts and spirits in times of struggle. Morgan also has an app and podcast where you can tune in regularly for a dose of wisdom and inspiration whenever your heart needs it.

Ultimately, when we look in a new direction, it gives us a chance to see something we may have missed before... and after we look once, it always becomes easier to look that way again. This is often the best kept secret of how we take care of our hearts.

One moment and one action at a time, day-by-day.


DISCLAIMER: The content in this article represents the individual ideas of the writer alone and outlines general advice only. It does not replace individual, independent or personal advice, mental health treatment and/or crisis support. Coaching does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental health disorder and does not substitute for therapy from a licensed professional if necessary. Should you require emergency crisis support, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or see your GP to discuss a mental health care plan which can help you access the support you need


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