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"Feeling healthy, whole, worthy and bold is every woman's birthright. It is also always within our reach, even when it feels unattainable.


In these times, I support women to remove overwhelm, stress, fear and uncertainty in their lives and replace it with confidence, passion, energy and purpose.


Whether you are stuck running on a treadmill or trying to scale a mountain, progress is impossible if you feel you are grappling without a sure path forward in need of the right tools and resources to get you where you dream to be. 


My mission is to help you align with your personal power and shine your light until it is incandescent: lighting the way to a path of real results in your life and unlimited possibility where you thrive on your own terms."


- Alex Wright-Moore

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Mission: Quote


Helping you to move forward and thrive.

There has never been an easy time to be a woman in the world.


But now more than ever, the decisions we face in our personal and professional lives are growing increasingly complicated.  


As women, navigating the social, political and cultural minefields of our time requires grace and grit in equal measure. Maintaining our self-compassion, integrity and balance is also no easy feat when we are often working within the constraints of an unequal playing field.


So how can you ensure you hold onto your ethics, authenticity and confidence when you encounter bumps along the road to living a life of purpose and fulfilment? How do you succeed as a woman in today's world and up-level your performance with the support, resources and tools you need to sustain you in the long term?


The best kept secret of many happy, confident and successful women is working with an experienced coach who can fast track you to achieving your goals, help you get past what is holding you back and enable you to move forward with clarity and momentum.


As a certified International Results Coach, I have a proven track record for helping individuals meaningfully transform their lives. Through the years I have come to specialise in working with women and I now offer coaching programs designed to empower women to create a future where prosperity, passion and abundance are non-negotiables of daily life.


Whether you are overwhelmed or underwhelmed by your current options. Whether you are exhausted or exhilarated by the thought of tomorrow. Whether you are flat out working, studying, caring for your family, managing your health or just trying to get through today, take comfort from the fact that all of life's synchronicities have brought you to this page at this very moment.


I am so very glad you are here.


My mission is to help you find your hidden potential, eradicate any limitations in your path and support you to rapidly achieve the sustainable results you seek, so you can live life on your own terms. My services are also designed to enable you to realise a future where you can be your own best coach upon the completion of our work together.


If you are not sure whether coaching is for you or if I will be the right fit, register your interest for a complimentary discovery call and we can explore the potential benefits of working together. 

Mission: About Me

Loving ourselves through the process of owning our story is the bravest thing we will ever do. When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending... 


And when we don't own our stories of failure, setbacks

and hurt - they own us.

- Brené Brown
Researcher and Storyteller

Mission: Quote
Mission: Testimonials


As part of this mission, Alex also empowers women around the globe through her advocacy and support for a number of charitable and not-for-profit organisations working to improve the lives of girls and women. 

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